Kate Kolodi’s art featured on bottles from

Crafty Bastard Brewery

I was the winner of the Crafty Bastard Brewery Summer Sour Series 2021 in the kriek category, showcasing their beer Moccasin Kriek. As the winner, my work was featured on its bottle.

My work was inspired by the name of the beer and the brewery's description of the beer. Crafty describes the beer on Untapped as "a staff and customer favorite. Moccasin Kriek is aged in a red wine barrel with a massive amount of tart montmorency cherry. This libation has a captivating hue, bracing acidity, bright cherry flavor, and a lingering spicy finish from the extended oak aging."

This piece roughly measures 4’x4’ and was completed with soft pastels and Panpastels. Because krieks are one of my favorite styles of beer, I wanted to approach my design with a barrel full of badass. Nothing cooler than squeezing cherries into the mouth of a water moccasin.

Crafty Bastard Brewery's Website Crafty Bastard's Instagram

Links to creators listed below:
Aw, Snap Media Caleb & The Gents


House Kā-Dèh, Kouwòn