• The easiest?

    Follow on social media. Like, (most importantly) SHARE, and (SUPER most importantly) SAVE to your collection when on Instagram. You can find those links at the top right of this page.

  • Subscribe.

    Look out for Patreon page coming soon. Monthly Kate Kolodi Art content subscriptions start at $5/mo.

  • Pay it forward.

    Give pieces as gifts! This is the most wholesome thing. It warms my heart any time I hear someone is gifting my work.

  • Googly

    Google me. I know it sounds silly, but google ‘Kate Kolodi Art’ whenever you think of it. The increased traffic helps the algorithm gods send others my way.

  • The best, though? Stock my shelves.

    I’ve created an Amazon list of things I use frequently or need to purchase in the future. If you feel like sending something my way, you’ll receive a 20% discount code for my website. You can find the list here: Kate Kolodi Art Amazon List

  • Tips!

    Like what you see?? Buy me a beer or even my dinner! Just toss a few bucks in my Venmo by following this link: Venmo